Hi Cube

Tag: containers

Docker DHCP

Docker controls the IP address assignment for network and endpoint interfaces via libnetwork’s IPAM driver(s). On network creation, you can specify which IPAM driver libnetwork needs to use for the network’s IP address management. Libnetwork’s default IPAM driver assigns IP addresses based on its own database configuration. For the time being, there is no IPAM driver that would communicate with…

Docker Networking: macvlans with VLANs

If you have read my introduction to macvlans and tried the basic macvlan bridge mode network configuration you are aware that a single Docker host network interface can serve as a parent interface to one macvlan or ipvlan network only. One macvlan, one Layer 2 domain and one subnet per physical interface, however, is a rather serious limitation in a…

Macvlan vs Ipvlan

I’ve covered macvlans in the Bridge vs Macvlan post. If you are new to macvlan concept, go ahead and read it first. Macvlan To recap: Macvlan allows you to configure sub-interfaces (also termed slave devices) of a parent, physical Ethernet interface (also termed upper device), each with its own unique MAC address, and consequently its own IP address. Applications, VMs and…